Shipyards are buildings responsible for assembling products into ship components and completed ships. Like the other production chain buildings, they take one or more products as inputs, and like Factories only ever produce a single output ship component or ship. A destination inventory must be selected for output ship components, or a destination orbit/Shipyard/empty lot for output ships. When producing ships, it is at that point that fungible goods become non-fungible ships which can be named, have history, etc. In response to the gradually escalating predation of lightly-armed mining ships by ‘technicals’, light transports with improvised weapons bolted to them, Natalie Allen changed the way these skirmishes were fought. Working with the best shipyard in Adalia, she commissioned the first purpose-built warship, designed to out-fight any lesser ship. Showing her usual sardonic wit, she named it the Ominous Precedent.
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