Crew Assignments
What are Crew Assignments? Crew assignments are text-based role-playing missions through which your in-game characters will progress. Depending on the decisions you make, your characters will be given particular traits and rewards. What’s required to participate in Crew Assignments? In order to complete the crew assignments, you will need to own a crew member. Crew members are your characters in-game. Prior to launch of Exploitation only legacy crewmates can complete crew assignments. However, at launch anyone will be able to “mint” new Adalian crewmates and be able to complete their initial crew assignment to assign unique traits to their crewmate. What’s so unique about Crew Assignments? Going even deeper than crew assignments, and taking a look at Influence as a whole, the game has an incredibly unique and powerful element of “Role-Playing”. Thanks to the utilization of the blockchain each action taken in-game is recorded to the blockchain. With this players are able to go back into their “captain’s log” and embellish the events that have unfolded within Influence. The choices you make during the Crew Assignments will be saved into the history of your crew member, even if you sell your crew member to someone else. This creates a rich environment to tell the story of your crew as you put more and more time and energy into the game. To continue with this, because everything is on the blockchain, the team will be periodically following the stories of the characters and creating community lore around the events that took place in-game, and because it’s all public, everything can be verified for accuracy.
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