
Resource Groups There are five core economic resource categories, Volatiles, Metals, Organics, Rare Earth, and Fissile in addition to a variety of non-economic resources (i.e. generally abundant): Volatiles are primarily used for fuel and life support. Metals are primarily used for building structures and ships. Organics are primarily used for life support, lubricants and plastics. Rare Earth elements are primarily used for energy storage and advanced manufacturing processes. Fissile materials are primarily used for energy production. Non-economic resources are used primarily for structural materials and constructions Note: Resources while known prior to pruchasing and asteroid, and is broken down by their spectral type (see below), their specific abundances vary and will only be known after the “Orbital Scan” is completed. This scan sets asteroid raw material abundances and heatmaps, and requires a ship present in orbit (hence orbital). Resources by spectral class Below you will find what the resources are that can be found on C, M, S, and I type asteroids. C type Resources These are the resource that can be found on C-Type asteroids. The carbonaceous asteroids include volatile and organic materials which primarily allow for the production of finished goods that maintain life, construction materials, and polymers Resource Categories Volatiles are primarily used for fuel and life support. Organics are primarily used for life support, lubricants and plastics. Non-economic resources are used primarily for structural materials and constructions Resources Water (V) Carbon Dioxide (V) Carbon Monoxide (V) Methane (V) Bitumen (O) Apatite (O) Calcite (O) S type Resources These are the resource that can be found on S-Type asteroids.The stony asteroids include materials from the metal, rare earth, and fissile categories allowing for production of structural materials, construction materials, energy storage and energy production goods Resource Categories Metals are primarily used for building structures and ships. Rare Earth elements are primarily used for energy storage and advanced manufacturing processes. Fissile materials are primarily used for energy production. Non-economic resources are used primarily for structural materials and constructions Resources Olivine (M) Feldspar (M) Pyroxene (M) Merrillite ® Xenotime ® Coffinite (F) M type Resources These are the resource that can be found on M-Type asteroids.The metal asteroids include materials from the metal and fissile categories allowing for production of structural and construction materials and energy production goods: Resource Categories Metals are primarily used for building structures and ships. Fissile materials are primarily used for energy production. Non-economic resources are used primarily for structural materials and constructions Resources Taenite (M) Troilite (M) Graphite (M) Rhabdite (M) Uraninite (F) I type Resources These are the resource that can be found on I-Type asteroids.The icy asteroids include materials from the volatile category which primarily allow for the production of propellant, fuel, solvents, and life supporting goods. Resource Categories Volatiles are primarily used for fuel and life support. Non-economic resources are used primarily for structural materials and constructions Resources Ammonia (V) Carbon Dioxide (V) Carbon Monoxide (V) Hydrogen (V) Methane (V) Nitrogen (V) Sulfur Dioxide (V) Water (V) Raw Materials Raw materials are classified into one of five categories, with each asteroid having the possibility of gaining bonuses to the yield of each. Additionally, overall yield bonuses of 3%, 6%, or 15% can apply. The following is a complete list of raw materials: Volatile Volatile materials may be modified by a 10%, 20%, or 50% bonus to yield. Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen Methane Nitrogen Sulfur Dioxide Water Organic Organic materials may be modified by a 10%, 20%, or 50% bonus to yield. Apatite Bitumen Calcite Metal Metal materials may be modified by a 10%, 20%, or 50% bonus to yield. Rhabdite Feldspar Graphite Taenite Olivine Pyroxene Troilite Rare Earth Rare earth materials may be modified by a 30% bonus to yield. Merrillite Xenotime Fissile Fissile materials may be modified by a 30% bonus to yield. Coffinite Uraninite Distribution High-level resource distribution (low, medium, high) by spectral type is shown below based on initial surface scans and minimal core sampling on asteroids near Adalia Prime. Core sampling specific asteroids is likely to identify substantial local variation. Note, this was the teams best interpratation early on, at release it may look different depending on balance.

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