Asteroid Basics
Some basic information to better understand asteroids, their terminology, and common
Terminology NAME: Unique names can be given but also can be changed at the owner's will. However every asteroid has an ID and a NAME given to it prior to being renamed. The ID never changes. SPECTRAL TYPE: The type of asteroid it is. There are 11 different types. YIELD BONUSES: The bonuses applied (if any) when an asteroid is scanned. RESOURCE GROUPS: The unique types of resource categories that can be found on that particular asteroid type. Each of the 11 spectral types has a resource group. LOTS: This is the number of buildable spaces on an asteroid. Each asteroid's surface area (denominated in km2) is also the same amount of lots an asteroid has. Ex. 100km2 = 100 lots of buildable space. RARITY: This notes the sum of your bonuses into a single group. However, rarity does not always align with how powerful the asteroid is, it simply notes the chances that asteroid had to uncover those bonuses. ORBITAL MECHANICS: Asteroids in Adalia orbit with realistic orbital mechanics, it's important to understand how orbital elements affect the position of your asteroid(s). Orbital Period Semi-Major Axis Inclination Ecentricity SIZE: There are four size categories, but within each category of size there is a gradation of sizes within that category. So when looking at Opensea, it is better to look at the “AREA” than the “SIZE” to see how big it actually is. A rough estimate for the number of players that can play on an asteroid is 13km2 per player on the low end and 25km2 on average for a more supportive industry. The smallest asteroids are 13km2 and will be great for casual play, but scaling up is ideal for serious gamers. SMALL: 13km2 to 314km2 MEDIUM: 315km2 to 5,027km2 LARGE: 5,028km2 to 31,000km2 HUGE: 31,700km2 to 1.77m km2 Rarity there are six grades of rarity, each with a different approximate chance of rolling said bonuses while scanning asteroids. Common: ~50% Uncommon: ~35% Rare: ~10% Superior: ~5% Exceptional: ~1% Incomparable: ~.1% Bonuses There are 6 categories of bonuses. Each of the 11 spectral types has the ability to attain some of the 6. Overall Yield: Applies bonus yield to all resources mined Volatiles: Applies bonus yield to all volatile resources mined Organics: Applies bonus yield to all organic resources mined Metals: Applies bonus yield to all metal resources mined Rare Earth: Applies bonus yield to all rare earth resources mined Fissile: Applies bonus yield to all fissile resources mined Each type of asteroid has between 2 and 6 bonuses it can attain. These bonuses largely make up the asteroid “Rarity,” along with its size as a factor. Equating to, about 55% of Adalia will be composed of “Common” asteroids that have no bonuses and 45% that have bonuses. Below is the chart to identify our bonus level have and the % increase in yield specific to the resource group.
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