Legacy Crewmates: Arvad Specialist, Citizen, and Department Heads

Existing Crewmates Prior to the launch of Exploitation, roughly 11,000 Crewmates already exist. These Crewmates represent the crew of the Arvad generational ship and were distributed to participants in previous asteroid sales or auctioned. ¶Arvad Department Heads A limited set of 13 Crewmates representing the departments of the Arvad. Each Crewmate was auctioned over the course of 4 months. They include unique uniforms and the highest trait-related bonuses in-game. Arvad Specialists A set of 1,859 Crewmates that were granted to holders of the asteroids purchased during the “Arrival” sale. Arvad Specialists have a higher chance of carrying a higher tier Arvad job role which in turn provides a department-aligned bonus trait. Arvad Citizens A set of 9,241 Crewmates that were granted to holders of the asteroids purchased during the “Populate the Belt” sale. These Crewmates also carry a department-aligned bonus, but are more likely to carry a lower tier Arvad job role. Jobs A crewmate with the Department Head, Specialist, or Citizen distinction will also have a job title. Job titles are the roles they performed on the Arvad, the ship that brought everyone to Adalia. There are thirteen categories of jobs; each category has four titles and one unique Department Head. A crewmate “inherits” bonuses in-game from its job title, and the size of that bonus depends on the title’s tier. “Tier 1” is the highest possible bonus a Citizen or Specialist can have. The number of job titles available across each category varies, but “Management” is the most highly skilled and rarest of them all. These bonuses are still being developed and balanced.

Rarity Statistically speaking, only half of every job title should exist per category for each tier of job titles below it. Example: 100 teaching assistants, 50 teachers, 25 professors, 12 Distinguished Professors. Crewmates with tier 1 job titles are extremely rare. Job Bonuses Each legacy crewmate had a job on the Arvad and upon arrical to Adalia they had an extra bonus compared to newly minted (Adalian) citizens. Below are the basics of the job bonuses. All final bonus stats will be released at launch of game (to ensure balance while we are in development). Navigation: Bonus to ship speed/fuel usage

Education: Bonus to learning

Knowledge: Bonus to research variety

Medicine: Bonus to max ship speed/damage reduction/food consumption efficiency

Security: Bonus to ship damage/damage reduction

Logistics: Bonus to storage/reduction in surface transport costs

Maintenance: Bonus to building & ship operating efficiency

Technology: Bonus to research speed

Engineering: Bonus to refining/manufacturing efficiency

Food Production: Bonus to food production

Food Preparation: Bonus to food consumption efficiency

Arts & Entertainment: Bonus to market fee efficiency

Management: Bonus to the overall efficiency

Crewmate Collection on OpenSea You can browse every Influence crewmate and purchase them from other players on OpenSea: LINK TO OPENSEA

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